Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ukryta kamera - Sprośna zakonnica

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-09 03:20:34
User: kurakq888
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Description: - Zapraszamy na strone

Emo grows in popularity in Russia

Duration: 03:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-16 10:18:04
User: RussiaToday
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They call themselves Emo kids - it's a new community in Moscow and they are becoming more and more popular in Russia.

ak74au ::: Favorites
i assure you they are not, they do not show you how they get beaten up and shit
07-08-30 02:35:48
FGGTZORZ ::: Favorites
07-08-22 10:21:16
Kamyanets ::: Favorites
maan I don't recognize Russia... these kids have got to take a boat and leave... western culture has no place in our hearts, we have our own rich millenia old culture, get this rubbish out of my country
07-08-20 15:49:21
Hellinfinitive ::: Favorites
Get this fucking horse urine out of my country. These are not true Russians, the cruel pagans that sacked villiages, can take vodka and muslims' blood like a camel can hold water, and ruthlessly kill over 40 million of their own men after sending another 20 million reluctant soldiers to their deaths, ordered by a throne of highly educated criminals not to mention. Where is the Russian culture drifting- we need another dictator to straighten us out- knock some fucking sense into these idiots.
07-08-17 17:50:03
Depotmaster ::: Favorites
This emo "culture" is the worst product of the pop culture since techno. If you want real good rockmusic listen to U2, Coldplay, Oasis or Van Halen...
07-08-17 08:45:20
mart2play ::: Favorites
I`m so glad i`m not the only one that think so! I cant believe this emo rubbish is catching on...its for fags and girls with
07-08-16 19:01:19
RmanDC ::: Favorites
this is gay.. russia would be the last place on earth where I'd expect a florishing emo community.
07-08-16 18:44:57
lioshenka ::: Favorites
низший слой жизни на земле!
07-08-16 15:46:34
miraclepd1 ::: Favorites
Kill emo save mankind!:))))))
07-08-16 12:53:49

Español-Inglés, Inglés-Español

Duration: 03:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 11:30:38
User: mobuzzES
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Antes de escribir tomate 20 minutos; Mini mini, mini Optimus, PP RSS F E E D, Beta pequeñita, Orbitando fuera de órbita.

Fighting fire with fire

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 03:05:13
User: RussiaToday
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Igniting flames now to practice putting them out in the future. Focusing on high-rise buildings and speedy evacuation. This is what Russia's Emergencies Ministry is doing during special exercises for fire-fighters.


Duration: 11:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 16:38:54
User: btdrln
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DevilGalz523 ::: Favorites
Xia meii & A chord sooo cuteeee Xia Yu sooo shuai Xia Tian sooo cool The Father nnd Lan Ling Wang sooo Funnyyy !!! The X - Family RAWKKS !!! < 333333333333333
07-09-09 07:59:42
tina6432001 ::: Favorites
I couldn't find the main point of this story. many eps are fillers...
07-09-09 03:00:52
nichole002 ::: Favorites
main point = good vs. bad cos only tie shi kong hasn't fallen to evil yet so alot depends on the zhong ji tie ke ren
07-09-09 05:27:57
9896957 ::: Favorites
calvin so cute and shuai
07-09-09 01:18:18
wonderfulyme ::: Favorites
its just to funny,he keeps laughing the whole intire time.I couldnt belive it but the first time i saw it.i thought the guy looked so much like cloud from Final Fantasy Advnt Chldrn.i loved the way he was all ways smiling while he was talking.
07-09-08 21:31:12
happyface1628 ::: Favorites
haha.. a chord keep sticking to the mum.. so funny...
07-09-08 15:37:07
happyface1628 ::: Favorites
lol.. the doctor act cuttee??? haha anyway.. why they dun call the yi neng yi sheng??
07-09-08 15:32:58
nichole002 ::: Favorites
cos yi neng yi sheng can only take care of like physical injuries for anything other than that they can only diagnose so they're pretty useless.
07-09-08 23:59:51
xueer94 ::: Favorites
Thanks!!! The knife part was so funny.
07-09-08 14:11:12
DreamCreations ::: Favorites
I love it how ah gong and a chord are jumping around with si ren!
07-09-08 12:47:21

E! News - April 25

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-25 23:43:50
User: mozer2007
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El Coste Real de un Sello Postal Hexagonal

Duration: 06:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 11:30:38
User: mobuzzES
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El héxagono de Saturno busca nombre; MOG: los vídeos de la red social musical; Microsoft anuncia la nueva Xbox360: más presión PlayStation3; El Coste Real de un SMS; Anunciantes británicos pagan el tiempo aire de los niños; Concurso de Podcasts de la Comunidad de Cadiz; Experiencia Narcótica Online; Los Sellos Postales de Star Wars

Another Chipmunk Blooper

Duration: 01:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-29 13:26:39
User: xxsupernova
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My webcam is a little pissball. :)

Moscow retains top place for pricey capitals

Duration: 02:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 06:32:19
User: RussiaToday
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The Financial Times newspaper reports that for the second consecutive year, Moscow has been announced the world's most expensive city for expatriate employees, according to a survey of 143 cities worldwide, compiled by Mercer Human Resource Consulting.


Duration: 00:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-31 11:20:42
User: RussiaToday
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bobtheneighbor ::: Favorites
Russia or USA - similar problem: government f*cks with Constitution and freedom of people. Support Ron Paul 2008 - American revolution !!!!!!!!!
07-08-12 11:58:31
videodisk123 ::: Favorites
I watched Russia Today, and so biased for some reason, I realized this was actually owned by Gazprom an oil company, wait a oil company?
07-07-31 09:48:14
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
Nice slogan. You can found new TV Channel provide such content and use it.
07-07-30 01:20:17
brocknz ::: Favorites
In Soviet Russia, Russia Today news YOU!
07-07-29 00:51:44
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
It is really irrational to use the grafix studio to make this promo and to do separate recordings with REAL recordings from all of those places present. Perhaps it might appear to you unnatural because of the special effects?
07-07-20 09:25:23
ivanoffka ::: Favorites
Добрый день, Russia Today, не без интереса слежу за вашими выпусками новостей, а также за сообщениями о самом канале RT.
07-07-19 09:47:41
drivebyuploading ::: Favorites
It looks like the reporters are standing between a green screen and a camera.
07-07-13 10:11:29
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
what you mean?
07-07-09 05:26:20
drivebyuploading ::: Favorites
Looks fake.
07-07-08 16:09:36
lbornov2 ::: Favorites
Девушка, я влюблен в вас!
07-07-06 23:44:47
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
Где только не показывают! В России это пакеты: НТВ+ Космос ТВ Акадо а также прямая трансляция на официальном сайте
07-07-06 08:50:29
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
you can check how to watch Russia Today TV on our site Some ways: Hot bird 6 (13° E) FEC ¾; Symbol rate: 27,5 Msyb/s; Downlink frequency: 10,971 MHz; Polarization: H Eurobird 1 (28,5 E) Sky Digital channel 516
07-07-06 08:49:08
bopoh1313 ::: Favorites
Это где такое показывают?!
07-07-06 07:57:02
venucor ::: Favorites
Great new TV station, presenting an alternative to the same OLD CNN/BBC fare dished out! Crappy vested fare...always
07-06-19 15:02:37
GeoffNI ::: Favorites
Good to have Russia Today broadcasting over the United Kingdom
07-06-16 07:49:08

Si no puedes hablar de Google, Siempre lo puedes hacer de...

Duration: 05:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 11:30:37
User: mobuzzES
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Virtual Earth en 3D, Descargas en HD para la X-Box 360, Discos a precio de oro, quiere una plataforma de TV por Adsl, Comunidades Wireless versus Fon, Creative Commons se casa con Revver.Virtual Earth en 3D, Descargas en HD para la X-Box 360, Discos a precio de oro, quiere una plataforma de TV por Adsl, Comunidades Wireless versus Fon, Creative Commons se casa con Revver.

El ciclo de la vida en gadgets

Duration: 02:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 11:30:38
User: mobuzzES
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El anillo que te hace vibrar, Amor a toda costa, ...y unos once meses después

E! News - April 30

Duration: 01:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-01 06:13:20
User: mozer2007
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Alleged baby theft

Duration: 04:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-04 07:57:18
User: RussiaToday
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Maternityhome suspected of trading in babies organs.

Submersibe had troubles but finally reached the surface.

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 01:49:36
User: RussiaToday
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Members of the largest ever Russian polar expedition, `Arctic 2007`, have completed their first mission to explore the seabed at the North Pole.

Mig29tvc ::: Favorites
Just repeat your comment in your brain you moron. Are you high or what? Your country is mountens in arizona and deserts in nevada. If usa wants to have peace of N pole you have the only one way in order to get it. The way you get Alaska ( I mean buy from Russia). And now ist just LAughing....still laughing.
07-09-06 14:52:59
Mig29tvc ::: Favorites
But we wont stop you from trying and when you think it is your we will ignore your clims and move in. Who the fuck are you there. usa and Northpole is the same as black and white. And nobody said that N pole belongs to Russia, they just trying to proof that this Lomonossow - thing is Russian earth. Thats it you loosers. And the flag under the Pole is just the symbol of Russian power nothing else.
07-09-06 14:45:02
Motigflames ::: Favorites
Russia cares a whole lot about the west. Look it up. And the west is laughing at you. You cannot cliam the arctic, but we wont stop you from trying and when you think it is your we will ignore your clims and move in. LAughing....still laughing.
07-09-06 11:07:57
6evorev6 ::: Favorites
Russians are bigger vile imbeciles than the USA (I'm Canadian) You got NEO NAZI"S running around unopposed, seriously, what's with the disgusting vile masochistic attitudes & war mongering you twits, go to hell.
07-08-22 22:34:32
historywillabsolve ::: Favorites
that territory belongs to canada, russia can go fuck themelves
07-08-22 19:46:40
Mig29tvc ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHA fuck my penis are YOU dumb. Who cares about the west in Russia. Russia do her own thing and the west looks with opened mouth. And so kind of shit like you say that the west is laughing just in order to hide thair envy. Truth? Truth.
07-08-20 17:33:35
Motigflames ::: Favorites
I dunno my country is not in Ira'q', how was afganistan for ya. Try it again in the north bud. Go for it the west is laughing at you.
07-08-20 14:37:47
Mig29tvc ::: Favorites
Just hear what youre saying. You never so an AK and want kill someone. If one of your parents is dead you will cry and ask god to stop the war. Have you nothing learned on Irak, you fuckin moron.
07-08-19 19:12:56
Motigflames ::: Favorites
15th century laws no longer apply. As usual Russia will get jack and will starve for it. Lets go to war I love to kill a commie.
07-08-19 13:50:49
hofimastah ::: Favorites
LOL, Stupid drunk loosers
07-08-10 09:31:00

Hello Mr Brown, Goodbye Mr Blair

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 10:38:50
User: RussiaToday
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Born in Scotland, Gordon Brown is often referred to as "a son of the manse". "All I believe and all I try to do come from the values that I grew up with - duty, honesty, hard work, family and respect for others," as he himself puts it. Politics has always been his passion. By the age of 12, he had already pushed Labour Party leaflets through the letter boxes of neighbours' homes. He became a Labour MP in 1983. In the party he was considered to be serious and even gloomy but with a powerful mind and a passion for detail. A man of enormous intelligence - that's what they say about him. In 2006 he was rated the most successful Chancellor of the Exchequer in modern history. But will he be a successful Prime Minister?

aimee5satin ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONCAMS dot COM for the hottest FREE webcams views
07-08-27 07:00:18

Say Ok - Vanessa Hudgens (Ft. J. James)

Duration: 04:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-26 11:54:17
User: redwicca
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A different version of the song Say Ok, sung by Vanessa Hudgens and J. James. (Sorry, the sound goes down at some parts, but I tried to fix it.)

IKYNOTTZ ::: Favorites
07-07-21 09:32:13
MBIIdollaBill ::: Favorites
07-06-22 15:32:48
redwicca ::: Favorites
I lost it, but I'll let you know if I get it again.
07-05-29 21:57:30
insanecutegirl22 ::: Favorites
hey where did u get the remix version? do u haf a download link?
07-05-27 02:46:26
MLfanster13 ::: Favorites
That was incredibly good! The odd thing is that I was going to make a video with this song and her music videos---exactly what you did. I can't beat this---It was awesome!! Fantabulous Job!!!
07-05-08 00:15:12
aMaRchicabonita ::: Favorites
this is really cool! you did really well, mixing everything. great job!
07-03-26 22:36:15
14nonnahs ::: Favorites
i love the
07-03-26 12:51:13

AIR GUITAR 2006 - Craig "Hot Lixx Hulahan" Billmeier from Un

Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-14 04:40:04
User: peeke66
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Craig "Hot Lixx Hulahan" Billmeier from United States performing at the 11th Air Guitar World Championships, Oulu, Finland, September 8th 2006.

dimesatch ::: Favorites
i think this guy loves the cock
07-07-01 04:47:43
willo666 ::: Favorites
07-06-10 01:41:33

Dani Levy "The Truly Truest Truth About Adolf Hitler"

Duration: 25:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 11:25:42
User: RussiaToday
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Spotlight guest is Dani Levy, director of "My Fuhrer - The Truly Truest Truth About Adolf Hitler" The 29th Moscow International Film Festival, underway at the moment, features a movie called "My Fuhrer - The Truly Truest Truth About Adolf Hitler". It has already sparked a national debate in Germany. Critics and many viewers ask: How proper is it to laugh at one of the most horrible dictators in world history? How helpful is satire in understanding the phenomenon of Nazism? We will ask these questions of the director of the movie - Dani Levy.

DIGITAL VS GFish Rematch 3 Part II

Duration: 09:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-27 23:38:03
User: zemus33
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Ok they are both warmed up and not pulling any punched. wether it's their best or not is up to interpretation. in anycase. it's war!

Music Reviews Part 3

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-16 00:34:29
User: xxsupernova
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Estrellas fugaces y clases de ciencias.

Duration: 06:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 11:30:36
User: mobuzzES
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Estrellas en Amsterdam, Google y el negocio de los callejeros, Escudos humanos, Primer barco con energía solar, Ciencias Quimicas.Estrellas en Amsterdam, Google y el negocio de los callejeros, Escudos humanos, Primer barco con energía solar, Ciencias Quimicas.

DJ's 2021

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 11:30:36
User: mobuzzES
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Memoria Autoregenerable, Cómo volverte DJ, Por una red libre

Dolphin show

Duration: 03:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-17 06:34:51
User: RussiaToday
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Moscow's dolphinarium has some new additions to the family - two baby dolphins. In a little over a year's time they will be taking part in shows, but for now their parents are teaching them the simple things of life.

JacquesZupp ::: Favorites
Swimming pools should be for people only. Cruel world full of evil.
07-09-03 07:29:24
wahidramadan ::: Favorites
Do;phin Dance Sho
07-08-19 15:08:14
coricori23 ::: Favorites
es fantastico
07-08-18 14:44:13