Sunday, September 9, 2007


Duration: 11:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 16:38:54
User: btdrln
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DevilGalz523 ::: Favorites
Xia meii & A chord sooo cuteeee Xia Yu sooo shuai Xia Tian sooo cool The Father nnd Lan Ling Wang sooo Funnyyy !!! The X - Family RAWKKS !!! < 333333333333333
07-09-09 07:59:42
tina6432001 ::: Favorites
I couldn't find the main point of this story. many eps are fillers...
07-09-09 03:00:52
nichole002 ::: Favorites
main point = good vs. bad cos only tie shi kong hasn't fallen to evil yet so alot depends on the zhong ji tie ke ren
07-09-09 05:27:57
9896957 ::: Favorites
calvin so cute and shuai
07-09-09 01:18:18
wonderfulyme ::: Favorites
its just to funny,he keeps laughing the whole intire time.I couldnt belive it but the first time i saw it.i thought the guy looked so much like cloud from Final Fantasy Advnt Chldrn.i loved the way he was all ways smiling while he was talking.
07-09-08 21:31:12
happyface1628 ::: Favorites
haha.. a chord keep sticking to the mum.. so funny...
07-09-08 15:37:07
happyface1628 ::: Favorites
lol.. the doctor act cuttee??? haha anyway.. why they dun call the yi neng yi sheng??
07-09-08 15:32:58
nichole002 ::: Favorites
cos yi neng yi sheng can only take care of like physical injuries for anything other than that they can only diagnose so they're pretty useless.
07-09-08 23:59:51
xueer94 ::: Favorites
Thanks!!! The knife part was so funny.
07-09-08 14:11:12
DreamCreations ::: Favorites
I love it how ah gong and a chord are jumping around with si ren!
07-09-08 12:47:21

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