Monday, March 31, 2008


Duration: 10:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-03 00:20:18

A. A. Allen: CASTING OUT DEMONS Honest to God biblical teachings which change not through the generations. These are teachings not found in the church today.These sermons are given for Christian edification. Preached by Reverend A. A. Allen


ikowhowiam  2008-03-19 10:53:46

i never heard of A.A. ALLEN
faythforme  2008-02-29 16:23:09

This happens today but the sad part is there are not enough diligent workers who can work and have patience. I am helping souls by the power of God to get set free as it states in Mark the 16th Chapter!
holyghostrider  2008-02-23 10:19:47

Thank you so much for posting this. This is the real deal and we don't see this happening any more. Maybe that is because if we started casting out demons in church today we might be there for Seriously though,these videos have helped me understand why the bible says in order to do this we must fast and pray. I thought the deamons had to leave right away. I can see they like to struggle and put up a fight. To have the faith to get rid of them in Jesus' name fasting is a must!

What's The Matter Buddy?

Duration: 01:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-15 16:04:12

Poor boy who can't poop.


tgrote  2008-03-17 23:29:43

cuzza feiner's goofy ass
HollisterComp1  2008-03-17 01:45:58

haha funniest video you have!

super mario 64 glitches episode 3

Duration: 05:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-15 17:07:08

learn how to get infinate lives race a fatter penguin (and watch me pwn it) and get infinte tries at the final bowser


mad87645  2008-02-16 03:33:11

look dude my parents are super fucking strict just downloadin off limewire got my allowence taken away for a week. there really up in your grille on all this shit. ok
Vortex099  2008-02-16 03:22:31

Why should your parents not be very happy about playing it on the PC? Since you've bought the game legally on your Wii, it is legal for you to download the Mario 64 ROM on your PC. Tell your parents that and you might get back to playing it on PC.
mad87645  2008-02-16 01:22:05

Mario96000  2008-02-16 00:03:58

mad87645  2008-02-15 20:38:52

ya lol theres a lot of lite in the room so you can see me lol

MY PAINTBALL GEAR young gunz hawaii

Duration: 05:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-28 00:57:57

Just a bunch of stuff I have


p8baller93  2008-03-30 21:46:43

..he had four egos..2 in box..two in bags..or mabee they were the same ones in bags idk
xURBANxASSASSINx  2008-03-30 18:23:00

bradenn182  2008-03-29 22:22:47

thought the same thing
vengeance17000  2008-03-29 18:36:35

what the fuck is this, cribs?!?!
jordy199  2008-03-27 20:11:46

man, no offense but u kinda just throw ur stuff down! thats a good way to scratch up ur stuff!!!!

Jazz the sea monster

Duration: 02:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-09 09:41:34

If you want you can download the SAVE at, in the meantime, stay out of the water...


terry604  2008-03-28 10:05:07

gmod 10 i think
ClintonSwaim  2008-03-16 19:35:37

Awesome! Just one question though- how do you add skin and stuff to things in gmod?
DEATHBRENGER  2008-02-09 13:36:55

that's why I never trust when they say "it's safe come on!" and the rest of the carp anyway really cool mate
DEATHBRENGER  2008-02-09 13:35:57

that's why I never trust when they say "it's safe come on!" and the rest of the carp anyway really cool mate
toxicwase  2008-02-09 12:46:56


Las Tres CaĆ­das

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-08 17:37:08

Edgar, Juanga y Fidel. Tres momentos inolvidables.


RichardKleiner  2007-12-20 18:52:35

creo que es la mejor de las tres
esnacionalis  2007-12-20 10:05:43

exelente, lo mejor ver caer al comunista
mrproducciones  2007-09-30 13:06:00

No te copié la idea, el video lo realizé el 30 DE ABRIL DE 2007 y TÚ 8 DÍAS DESPUÉS... Técnicamente TÚ me copiaste la idea. Lea bien antes de hacer comentarios.Gracias
Bfett619  2007-07-28 15:13:58

Muy bueno hombre, sigue asi.
whirefull11  2007-07-20 19:58:00

ta chido!

Drum Beat 2

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-01 11:45:15

Another drum beat =)


drummingdude788  2008-02-18 11:17:06

i like this beat its quite catchy i can imagine that u r an amazing drummer ur drum kit sounds nice by the way keep it up dude
rubix  2008-01-07 15:24:34

we have drums in our band class but you have to have 4 years of piano
mafiahaien  2008-01-07 12:38:40

Oh, that's too bad =( Ain't it drums in your school, or a bandroom or something?? You could also buy some cheap D-drums, just to practice on =)
rubix  2008-01-05 14:15:52

awesome i wanted drums but i never got them :\


Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-31 21:06:19

POO! that's all


nunca podran tocarte

Duration: 04:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-13 21:01:02

poesia latina


ensatelitado  2008-03-04 16:59:48

Gracias, lo recordaré, estoy seguro que tu tienes tu propia sensibilidad y forma de expresar lo que piensas y sientes, tu propia forma especial.
MusicLover21x  2008-03-03 14:07:49

No sabes del gran talento del que dispones. . . He visto todas tus poesias y cada día me gustan más. Ojala yo tambien pudiera expresar así mi amor . . . por ti. Tú novia tiene mucha suerte, hazselo saber de mi parte. NUNCA olvides decir TE QUIERO a esa persona que amas, NUNCA.

PFAFF 463 Heavy-Duty Leather Industrial Sewing Machine

Duration: 00:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-20 15:13:44

pfaff 463
