Sunday, September 9, 2007

Submersibe had troubles but finally reached the surface.

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 01:49:36
User: RussiaToday
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Members of the largest ever Russian polar expedition, `Arctic 2007`, have completed their first mission to explore the seabed at the North Pole.

Mig29tvc ::: Favorites
Just repeat your comment in your brain you moron. Are you high or what? Your country is mountens in arizona and deserts in nevada. If usa wants to have peace of N pole you have the only one way in order to get it. The way you get Alaska ( I mean buy from Russia). And now ist just LAughing....still laughing.
07-09-06 14:52:59
Mig29tvc ::: Favorites
But we wont stop you from trying and when you think it is your we will ignore your clims and move in. Who the fuck are you there. usa and Northpole is the same as black and white. And nobody said that N pole belongs to Russia, they just trying to proof that this Lomonossow - thing is Russian earth. Thats it you loosers. And the flag under the Pole is just the symbol of Russian power nothing else.
07-09-06 14:45:02
Motigflames ::: Favorites
Russia cares a whole lot about the west. Look it up. And the west is laughing at you. You cannot cliam the arctic, but we wont stop you from trying and when you think it is your we will ignore your clims and move in. LAughing....still laughing.
07-09-06 11:07:57
6evorev6 ::: Favorites
Russians are bigger vile imbeciles than the USA (I'm Canadian) You got NEO NAZI"S running around unopposed, seriously, what's with the disgusting vile masochistic attitudes & war mongering you twits, go to hell.
07-08-22 22:34:32
historywillabsolve ::: Favorites
that territory belongs to canada, russia can go fuck themelves
07-08-22 19:46:40
Mig29tvc ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHA fuck my penis are YOU dumb. Who cares about the west in Russia. Russia do her own thing and the west looks with opened mouth. And so kind of shit like you say that the west is laughing just in order to hide thair envy. Truth? Truth.
07-08-20 17:33:35
Motigflames ::: Favorites
I dunno my country is not in Ira'q', how was afganistan for ya. Try it again in the north bud. Go for it the west is laughing at you.
07-08-20 14:37:47
Mig29tvc ::: Favorites
Just hear what youre saying. You never so an AK and want kill someone. If one of your parents is dead you will cry and ask god to stop the war. Have you nothing learned on Irak, you fuckin moron.
07-08-19 19:12:56
Motigflames ::: Favorites
15th century laws no longer apply. As usual Russia will get jack and will starve for it. Lets go to war I love to kill a commie.
07-08-19 13:50:49
hofimastah ::: Favorites
LOL, Stupid drunk loosers
07-08-10 09:31:00

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