Sunday, September 9, 2007


Duration: 00:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-31 11:20:42
User: RussiaToday
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bobtheneighbor ::: Favorites
Russia or USA - similar problem: government f*cks with Constitution and freedom of people. Support Ron Paul 2008 - American revolution !!!!!!!!!
07-08-12 11:58:31
videodisk123 ::: Favorites
I watched Russia Today, and so biased for some reason, I realized this was actually owned by Gazprom an oil company, wait a oil company?
07-07-31 09:48:14
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
Nice slogan. You can found new TV Channel provide such content and use it.
07-07-30 01:20:17
brocknz ::: Favorites
In Soviet Russia, Russia Today news YOU!
07-07-29 00:51:44
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
It is really irrational to use the grafix studio to make this promo and to do separate recordings with REAL recordings from all of those places present. Perhaps it might appear to you unnatural because of the special effects?
07-07-20 09:25:23
ivanoffka ::: Favorites
Добрый день, Russia Today, не без интереса слежу за вашими выпусками новостей, а также за сообщениями о самом канале RT.
07-07-19 09:47:41
drivebyuploading ::: Favorites
It looks like the reporters are standing between a green screen and a camera.
07-07-13 10:11:29
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
what you mean?
07-07-09 05:26:20
drivebyuploading ::: Favorites
Looks fake.
07-07-08 16:09:36
lbornov2 ::: Favorites
Девушка, я влюблен в вас!
07-07-06 23:44:47
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
Где только не показывают! В России это пакеты: НТВ+ Космос ТВ Акадо а также прямая трансляция на официальном сайте
07-07-06 08:50:29
RussiaToday ::: Favorites
you can check how to watch Russia Today TV on our site Some ways: Hot bird 6 (13° E) FEC ¾; Symbol rate: 27,5 Msyb/s; Downlink frequency: 10,971 MHz; Polarization: H Eurobird 1 (28,5 E) Sky Digital channel 516
07-07-06 08:49:08
bopoh1313 ::: Favorites
Это где такое показывают?!
07-07-06 07:57:02
venucor ::: Favorites
Great new TV station, presenting an alternative to the same OLD CNN/BBC fare dished out! Crappy vested fare...always
07-06-19 15:02:37
GeoffNI ::: Favorites
Good to have Russia Today broadcasting over the United Kingdom
07-06-16 07:49:08

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