Sunday, December 2, 2007

Halo 3 Legendary Guide - Sierra 117 - Carbine Sniping

Duration: 04:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-22 16:09:51
User: NextGenWalkthroughs
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Description: presents: Halo 3 Single Player Legendary Campaign Walkthrough! All videos can be downloaded in hi-res at our website


krossco ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 16:34:58

computer cheating... i've said that before when i was in denial i feel your pain
kiopl1 ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 16:35:18

good to see you making vids again
LopNut ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 18:41:06

me too, ratchet and clank...
87yh ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 20:12:34

Do you have skulls on? If so witch?
KZN02 ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 20:21:53

And the racks do make adequate cover, do they?
Lookatthenoob ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 05:22:13

he doesn't
Diablo123owns ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 19:37:12

nice work!
AKUJU ::: Favorites  2007-10-30 18:34:04

why dont you like duel wieldin the plasma pistol
missmelli936 ::: Favorites  2007-11-16 22:44:16

how would you no
Lookatthenoob ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 18:20:54

becuz u can tell, and he wouldn't be going through a GUIDE with skulls on

I get around

Duration: 02:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-16 20:16:01
User: pawprintlogic
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Another little musical clip that was done this year... Enjoy!


How do I live (Tagalog Version) NaruxHina

Duration: 04:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-29 18:39:05
User: PinayNaruto
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Anime: Naruto Song: How do I live Singer: Roselle Nava go see my beautiful drawings XD


annaMaeCute18 ::: Favorites  2007-06-09 02:06:08

i love this song...mwaaaaaaaa
kyomaru411 ::: Favorites  2007-06-16 01:56:12

wow... ... speechless.
93550 ::: Favorites  2007-06-17 17:48:43

michllrose921 ::: Favorites  2007-06-29 22:41:18

LUV IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bunnysitter4 ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 15:23:34

freemovies411 ::: Favorites  2007-07-22 23:31:18

I couldn't help but notice that light glare in a couple places in the vid. But...IT WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME! I love the blur effects too! And how you caught her in "the best moments", oh, that was lovely. Excellent work! Pinay Power! Wait, are you a boy? If you are then...PINOY POWER! *giggle*
PinayNaruto ::: Favorites  2007-07-24 03:51:20

uhhhhh i'm not a boy lol XD and thank you
freemovies411 ::: Favorites  2007-07-24 03:59:24

Oh, okay...PINAY POWER!! *hugs* Heh, I'm hyper at 1 in the morning.
honey071807 ::: Favorites  2007-08-19 02:51:43

hello i want to ask to clip pics when you create video?
ajishe ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 00:53:31

yaaaaaaaassssssssss unchua igo vedio streagiy yaaaaaaaksssssssss
xOhsoAzn ::: Favorites  2007-10-15 23:27:29

can someone send this song to me? message me on youtube and ill give email to send

Blanka Vlasic - World Champion WC OSAKA 2007

Duration: 04:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-02 10:09:30
User: crosports
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Description: Blanka Vlasic - World Champion BLANKA VLAŠIĆ osvojila je zlatnu medalju na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Osaki preskočivši 205 cm! To je prva hrvatska medalja na Svjetskim prvenstvima u atletici. Naša najbolja atletičarka nije ovog puta podlegla pritisku, već je sasvim sigurna u sebe išla ostvariti svoj najbolji rezultat. Iako se i sama nadala zlatu, nije to govorila na glas, kao svi ostali u Hrvatskoj koji su takav rezultat očekivali. Da je Blanka samouvjereno ušla u finale svjedoči i činjenica da je sve visine do 200 cm preskočila iz prve. Na 200 cm je malo zastala, prvi put je rušila, ali je drugi put preskočila tu visinu. 203 preskače iz prve, a zatim dolazi 205 cm. U igri su još ostale Čičerova i Di Martino, no niti jedna nije uspjela preskočiti 205 cm. Blanka je prva dva puta rušila ljestvicu. Ostao je još samo jedan pokušaj i uspjela je! Da nije preskočila osvojila bi srebrnu medalju, jer je Čičerova imala manje pokušaja na nižim visinama. Njen otac je danas medijima poslao e-mail u kojemu, između ostaloga, kaže da se Blanka dobro osjeća, da je odradila mini trening nakon doručka, te da je spremna za finale. Blanka je tijekom natjecanja zbog tragedije hrvatskih vatrogasaca nosila crni flor. Blanka: U šoku sam, još ne shvaćam! Blanka Vlašić priznala je nakon pobjede u skoku u vis kako još uvijek ne može vjerovati da je uspjela, osvojila svjetsko zlato. "Osjećam olakšanje, toliko sam to željela. Još uvijek ne shvaćam da sam uspjela, u šoku sam. Vrlo sam umorna nakon svega. Bila sam favoritkinja i morala sam se nositi s ogromnim pritiskom. Ovo je svjetsko prvenstvo, ne možeš očekivati da ćeš preskočiti svaku visinu pri prvom pokušaju. Nije bilo lako pobijediti konkurenciju. Tek nakon preskočenih 2,03 i 2,05 počela sam se zabavljati. Prije mi nije padalo na pamet" - izjavila je Blanka dodavši: "Ples? Ne bih ga sad mogla ponoviti. Na svakom natjecanju, zapravo, imam drukčiji. Mislim da to daje pozitivnu energiju gledateljima na tribinama. Moraš malo začiniti nastup". croatia hrvatska blanka vlasic athletics high jump world goran ivanisevic vinovo toni kukoc dalmacija donje csi drnis gornje toma bebic osaka highjump women slesarenko split dalmatia Kajsa Bergqvist, Emma Green, Stefan Holm, Blanka Vlasic, Ariane Friedrich, Eike Onnen, Anna Chicherova, Yelena Slesarenko, Jaroslav Rybakov, Andrey Silnov, Ivan Ukhov, Andrej Sokolovski, Victor Moya, Tomas Janku, Tora Harris and Nicole Forrester croatia hrvatska blanka vlasic athletics high jump highjump women kajsa bergqvist split dalmatia arsen dedic zagora ande condor vaya el paso Tia Hellebaut @ ECI Birmingham 2007 belgium yelena slesarenko sotomayor sergei bubka


calimero977 ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 11:50:14

bravo mala :)
athleticus11 ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 12:14:39

Well done, BLANKA
DusanDotur ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 12:16:10

World record is her, sooner or later.. SVAKA CAST MALA
BadBlueGentleman ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 12:37:02

Fantastic Svaka cast splicanki....
TellySavallas ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 12:54:58

AlRahmani ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 16:01:38

Where is Slesarenko?
AljoshaKapulica ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 16:03:08

Fantastic, absolutely fantastic
BruceLeeCvrljevo ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 16:12:28

Bravo Blanka, svaki ti dao
CarlosinhoMoya ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 16:55:53

Superb Blanka. She's in a league of her own.
croire222 ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 16:58:37

Wow She was UNBELIEVABLE this season...
torca13 ::: Favorites  2007-09-02 17:50:28

Srce moje kucaj tise zastani na tren da je slusan kako..............svaka cast za nasu Pepeljugu iz Splita...Valjda ce joj sad KURBE POLITICARSKE osigurat normalne uvjete za trening...NIKO KAO BLANKA IZ SPLITA...
harambasa22 ::: Favorites  2007-09-03 02:26:01

Odlicno Blanka, samo tako dalje nastavi, pasce i Stefka Kostadinova
HistoryChannell ::: Favorites  2007-09-03 02:29:13

Well done... She looks much more relaxed this year when competing. Of course when she's jumping that well, it is easy to smile!
GiovanniPritiskovich ::: Favorites  2007-09-03 02:38:36

Svaka cast, zasluzeni uspjeh za nju i njenog oca...
KomadantSava ::: Favorites  2007-09-03 02:44:57


SOCOM Confrontation Clips Pics and interview

Duration: 07:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-16 22:21:54
User: BoogerJHK
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Here is a video I have made compiled with Socom Confrontation clips pics and the exclusive Gamespot interview with Seth Luisi. Music: Billy Talent: River Below Prodigy: Voodoo people


MGthemes ::: Favorites  2007-07-16 22:57:43

very good preview w00t! i cant wait.
BoogerJHK ::: Favorites  2007-07-18 00:00:25

Comments anyone :D?
SocomSeanBean ::: Favorites  2007-07-20 16:28:20

AOUSI ::: Favorites  2007-07-26 23:31:45

Holiday6 ::: Favorites  2007-07-27 19:48:12

nice vid
BoogerJHK ::: Favorites  2007-07-27 21:48:27

AboveCityLimits ::: Favorites  2007-08-01 17:37:12

AP1357 ::: Favorites  2007-08-06 19:19:21

socom 1/2 are good, socom 3/ca suck. this looks good and im going to buy it, nice vid bro
killalt4 ::: Favorites  2007-08-16 06:03:32

and i have a Q cane you dowload equpment frome the ps3 store fore your socom player
atcrossover ::: Favorites  2007-08-20 12:19:47

They should put the SAS characters back in.
th3soulreaper ::: Favorites  2007-08-21 00:41:50

Can't wait for it! And the S.A.S. is playable! Along with several other CT groups from around the world.
BoogerJHK ::: Favorites  2007-08-22 11:41:59

I shoulda put the newer interview in thiere :/ They had it saying that the captians of the team get to choose there teams outfits :D
chopperhead2011 ::: Favorites  2007-08-28 20:51:12

Dude, SOCOM 3 and Combined Assault was amazing! Ok, Combined Assault put too many stealth missions and not enough vehicles. Still a good game
loggerbomb ::: Favorites  2007-09-18 08:17:53

What are you smoking? Combined Assault was horrible. The online maps are garbage, the support for it was non existent and the vehicles were cool for the large maps, but half the time they didn't work. SOOOOO glad they are going back to the way it was before. And did I hear that guy talking about interactive environments???? ABOUT FRIGGIN TIME!!! It is soo retarded that the only things you could break in SC3/CA was lightbulbs. I want to blow up some propane tanks!
chopperhead2011 ::: Favorites  2007-09-18 19:26:31

Umm what I'm smoking is none of your business and Combined Assault was sweet. It had way too many stealth objectives and nowhere near the amount of vehicles I would have liked, like SOCOM 3 had.

Horsehead Sweeper

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-05 04:20:35
User: horseheadbusinessman
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A coming to age story about a young boy and a horse.


JamesRooster ::: Favorites  2007-06-16 02:41:57

dasalsakid ::: Favorites  2007-06-21 01:37:33

spooky sheeyat!
mynameisstupid27 ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 22:22:29

wow that was crazy, crazy awesome!
ScareBear ::: Favorites  2007-10-01 05:23:39

That was really, really weird, yet oddly cool.
steigerlicious ::: Favorites  2007-10-01 10:23:32

You guys are awesome at everything...comedy and horror...everything you touch turns to gold... Rob...
jimbomagnifico ::: Favorites  2007-10-04 03:24:52

This is such a ripoff of Seabiscuit.

Ron Artis: Ronnie Artis II Sings Over The Rainbow

Duration: 05:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-21 01:17:31
User: ronartis
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Ron Artis II Sings Over The Rainbow. Ron Artis (Piano, Keyboards), Stevon Artis (Drums)


azazel737 ::: Favorites  2006-12-07 05:43:01

Man while others rap you do this, i have no words for your music keep up the good work god bless you
manualdemise ::: Favorites  2006-12-19 21:20:52

How rare is it that a song pulls you in and takes you for a jazzy ride on a cloud of emotion. This is such a rarity. Nice job, Ron. Real nice.
nh7tr ::: Favorites  2007-01-22 02:26:08

Simply Awesome...
aarondrich ::: Favorites  2007-03-27 03:50:21

my girlfriend and i just saw you the fam perform guys were so good we came right home and youtubed you! Play on!
jazzychojin ::: Favorites  2007-05-13 04:21:36

Go ahead brotha! I'm a beginning guitarist, and I've got a lot of work to do. You've inspired me; not only as a guitarist, but also as a Black man who doesn't follow the Rap crowd. Great work bro!
Paul186 ::: Favorites  2007-07-15 20:35:56

leolaniHI ::: Favorites  2007-07-24 06:25:24

Heard you perform at the Haleiwa Arts Festival this weekend. Beautiful!
MuslinTree ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 05:13:49

That's very sweet. Daring in a way.

The Interview

Duration: 02:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-07 13:00:52
User: RailingHead
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Interviewer loses his cool while speaking with man who was the victim of a mislead operation.


Opening Moments (Nitro 5/4/98)

Duration: 03:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-20 02:14:14
User: iCON41510
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Kingpin517 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 02:30:54

i been on youtube all night lookin at different wcw videos waitin 4 u 2 post Thunder lol. thanx ICON
Kingpin517 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 02:32:24

***NITRO*** my bad
iCON41510 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 02:36:51

Yeah before anybody ask there was no Thunder...
simmeringc82 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 02:37:55

jghor23 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 05:13:07

What did you think of the nitro girls icon? Waste of time or great addition to Nitro?
JakeN1985 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 05:58:42

Damn all this talk about the NBA playoffs makes me hype for this season.
DXman24 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 09:36:51

They didn't show wcw thunder until May 15, 1998
thehead619 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 10:14:28

hate to say it tony is right nitro girls = gorgeous
Lectricfuneral ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 11:52:42

Waste of time. If I wanna watch porn, I'll watch porn. But I don't wanna watch porn when I'm watching wrestling.
iCON41510 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 12:23:07

Waste of time...
bloodriotzero ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 13:03:39

Nah, great addition. Remember when Chae's nipple slipped out? That was great in junior high
nworaven66 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 13:54:47

Miss Handcock's (AKA Stacy Keibler) entrance music.

Light My Candle

Duration: 05:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-02-19 17:20:20
User: XPushingOBorders
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DVD Quality RENT


fluffihotti ::: Favorites  2007-02-07 19:53:22

i like to feel good too, but i'm not a druggi. >.<
degraydog104 ::: Favorites  2007-02-09 00:45:46

u no? i feel like goin 2 a spa and take a mud bath.
hoopla444 ::: Favorites  2007-02-09 09:57:51

what's in that little bag that Mimi pulled out of his back pocket?
fiddledeedum ::: Favorites  2007-02-09 22:21:08

her stash
hoopla444 ::: Favorites  2007-02-11 19:59:35

but what is it? drugs?
RockStar4536 ::: Favorites  2007-02-12 20:33:00

yep her drugs.
inuyashaclipchick735 ::: Favorites  2007-02-16 19:24:18

her stash is well...crack or marijuana or whatever. I still like Mimi. and Roger. Both awesome.
amithysts ::: Favorites  2007-02-16 22:00:37

no duh shes a drug addict like he used to be
amithysts ::: Favorites  2007-02-16 22:03:10

i didnt notice she took the drugs at the end of the scene how the hell did i miss that lol
ronhermione123 ::: Favorites  2007-02-19 23:28:48

wait didn't roger pic it up and put HER stash in his backpocket but then she got it back?
ronhermione123 ::: Favorites  2007-02-19 23:31:05

wait didn't roger pick up HER stash when they were "looking" for it on the floor and put it in his backpocket. u know when he said that he found the candy bar rapper? but then she took it outta his backpocket?
amithysts ::: Favorites  2007-02-22 23:22:59

her drugs she got um back that cant be good
Cakester1111 ::: Favorites  2007-02-25 22:05:23

I love this song but Mimi's "stumble" before "Can you make it?" was so fake.
H1214 ::: Favorites  2007-02-27 20:13:45

i LOVE this movie...dont get me wromg, but i think this relationship would be very unrealistic. Let me explain. She's a druggy and he got off of drugs. So isnt there a big possiblity that he would get back into drugs after meeting her, even though he doesnt want to? See what im saying?
Rainbowdaisy ::: Favorites  2007-03-01 20:52:31

ronhermione123, he doesn't want her to have the stash, so he said it was a candybar wrapper, so he cold throw it out and she wouldn't et it

KTM 690 SM promo

Duration: 05:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-12 05:40:31
User: cino6666
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2008 KTM 690 model spot


8bcrewpreX ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 10:54:33

djova je g33k

Haruhi Suzumiya No Yuuutsu ED Stepmania AA ALL COMBO

Duration: 01:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-04 11:28:33
User: santiagoff
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Just as the title says , it's the ending [Hare Hare Yukai] ,sung by Haruhi , Yuki and Mikuru, in Stepmania.I ranked a AA and had and ALL COMBO.Unfortunately FRAPS didn't record the last part (WTF?!) so the score didn't get in.But I swear it was that score!I swear!


kangaroojoe ::: Favorites  2007-11-05 23:32:19

someone should do these steps while doing the hand movements
santiagoff ::: Favorites  2007-11-06 04:47:19

I could try... if I had a dance platform -_-U
rash2049 ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 20:10:54

Che seri soy yo, Gonzo. Te queria decir que muy bueno este y el video del Hare Hare Yukai Exasperated Mix. A mi no me sale ni 150 de combo en ninguna cancion que tenia del stepmania....asi que...segui asi con doble ASS, ehem...digo, AA.
santiagoff ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 21:32:10

graxx por el comment ^^

Tokyo Mew Mew

Duration: 03:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-22 03:32:52
User: Emoish3
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Song - Swing Swing By - All American Rejects Anime - Tokyo Mew Mew Sorry some of the pics are blurry I tried 2 get them so they not, but 1 is a video effect, and some of te pics r really long I wanted to fill big music gaps but me comp went rubbish it 10:00 at night. THIS VIDEO IS NOT TO BE COPYED AND UPLOADED AS YOUR OWN.


watloveis42 ::: Favorites  2007-08-05 18:41:26

love it 5/5 love the chemistry lol
EvilFairyNitch ::: Favorites  2007-10-01 11:07:17

EvilFairyNitch ::: Favorites  2007-10-01 11:07:29
