Tuesday, April 8, 2008

{The fortold Production} - Exploiting,episode one

Duration: 02:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-02 15:49:20

A world of warcraft series following a bunch of expletive things in 2.0.3, as well showing some sweet wpe pro packeting to dupe items, talent hack, learn other spells, all in the latest ZA Patch, even how to tele someone There are what i guess to be two GMs fighting in the last part, i swear to god its not acted, I am just as surprised to see it.


basketballman33  2008-03-23 00:16:30

they probably were GMS. What patch was this and i can tell you. if this was pre tbc, they were gms. because one had two netherbanes.
Ky0l  2008-02-10 16:43:10

I see alot of north sea, I was the first on my server there and to spam the /1 General :)))
TehGreatestNinja  2008-01-04 04:34:53

holy shit lol thats awesome. ive seen something like this before but wow lol. lmao 2 gms or something fighting.
Corruptedd  2008-01-04 02:43:37

Yes, trial accont
mickle95  2008-01-04 02:32:01

this on retail?

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