Friday, February 22, 2008

慈悲道場懺法(梁皇寶懺)首讚-第十卷 衣奉獻 (佛光山道場)

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-10 05:47:38
User: david751008

衣奉獻,綾羅錦繡紗,銷金掛子難描化,龍女織就金絲帕,波斯匿王捨袈裟,馬鳴王菩薩,誓願神通化。 南無普供養菩薩摩訶薩 (三稱) 國語(普通話)發音;無畫面


david751008  2007-11-04 02:33:03

I got permission from the master of that temple.And it was a digital camera.
tktru  2007-11-02 17:05:59

What you are seeing is the bottom of the sutra stand; the MP4 (I am assuming) is hiding beneath it xD And yeah, recording a video during a dharma session is bad unless you get permission.
david751008  2007-10-31 10:23:12

if you ask the master and he says ok, then it doesn't matter.
dancheeker  2007-10-30 05:37:35

sadhu sadhu sadhu...
worldpeace1984  2007-10-21 20:49:01

actually it does't allow to record during 法會 at least , that is a rule of 佛光山 i think that is why kind of the respection and for people's concentration but sitll tx for the sharing chart

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